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Month: October, 2012

Hurdle Task Number Seven




Let’s Investigate:

What would a traditional German meal consist of?

A traditional German meal will usually have some sort of meat included.  It will also have some form of cooked vegetables and often potato. The other thing it will have is some sort of bread.

Are there any German restaurants in Melbourne? If yes, what are their names and where are they?
Hofbräuhaus – CBD
Muttis – Carlton
German Club Tivoli – Prahran
Bratwurst Shop & Co – West Melbourne and CBD
Zimt Patisserie Bakery Café – Surrey Hills
Gourmets Table Swiss… – Lilydale
The Austrian Club – Rosanna
Cuckoo Restaurant – Olinda

Other than schnitzel, what other traditional meals are common with Austria?

Some traditional meals of both Austria and Germany include tafelspitz, salzburger nockerln, sachertorte and linzertorte.

Berlin is the capital of Germany, what are 3 other ‘famous’ cities in Germany, and why or what are they famous for?

Vienna – In Vienna you can find the fourth largest museum of art history in the world called the Kunsthistorisches Museum. It is visited by one and a half million people each year and holds painting such as Hunters in the Snow and The Artists Studio.

Cologne – The cologne chocolate museum or Imhoff-Stollwerck Museum has been running for the past hundred years or so. When visiting guests can go on a tour of all three levels seeing everything from hundred year old chocolate moulds to a tropical enclosure where the cocoa beans can be seen growing on trees to the 12ft chocolate fountain.

Munich – This is known as the birthplace of Mozart. It is also the home to the Neuschwanstein Castle which was built by King Ludwig II and is the castle in both Sleeping Beauty and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Hurdle Task Number Eight


Task One:

Why has Turkey not been accepted into the EU?

  • It would be damaging to all aspects of the Turkish economy including tourism, manufacturing and finance
  • Turkey is non-compliant with 10 out of 40 Task Force recommendations

Task Two:

5 Pillars of Islam


Testifying to God’s One-ness


Giving Charity



What do they mean?

Knowing that there is no God, but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.

Praying 5 times a day


Fasting during the month of Ramadan in the day light hours.


How would a Muslim demonstrate it?


They would demonstrate it by praying the 5 times a day and washing their hands, feet etc with water or sand

Giving free-will donations, and giving to only needy Muslims or for religious purposes

By fasting in that month and in those hours.

By refraining from sex, haircuts, jewellery and arguing as well as putting on simple, white garments. They also run seven times between hills and drinking from Zamam spring. On the eighth day they move to the desert and live in tents and perform rituals there.


Task Three:

Do’s and Don’t’s of Ramadan



Abstain from all forbidden things

Eating food and drinking any kind of liquid during fasting time

Pray sincerely

Losing temper

Recite the Quran and follow its teachings

Being rude, impolite or inconsiderate

Offer Tawareeh prayers

Use of foul words

Give aims to the poor


Be patient and have strong self-control

Lying or any form of trickery


Arguing, fighting or shouting


Engaging in sexual activities

Ramadan is a time for Muslims to thank Allah for all of the blessing he has given them, and is also a time for them to increase their good deeds and avoid doing anything that gives them pleasure or displeases Allah.

Fasting educates Muslims in spirituality, patience and humility. They fast to cleanse the soul and focus their attention purely on God.

When Ramadan ends, there is a celebration called ‘Eid al-Fitr’ which means the feast of fast-breaking.

During Ramadan there are daily prayers required. They pray 5 times throughout the day and night time.


Hurdle Task Number Six


Let’s Remember:

Costa Rica is a Central American country that is surrounded by which 2 other countries?

Panama and Nicaragua.

What are the names of 4 of the Volcanos in Costa Rica?

Arenal Volcano, Barva Volcano, Irazú Volcano, Poás Volcano, Rincón de la Vieja and Turrialba Volcano.

What is the main export industry for Costa Rica?

Coffee, bananas, sugar cocoa, and cattle and meat products.

Throughout Central America, what is the main religion practiced?


Costa Rica is a Democratic republic society. What does this mean?

It means that the government is chosen by the people.

Let’s investigate:

Coffee processing Task.

Coffee cherries:

In order to get the best flavour and quality coffee beans the beans must be separated from the pulp and skin on the same day that the cherry is picked from the branches.


To remove the red skin and fleshy pulp the cherries go through a wet processing process called pulping. First, they are dunked in a pool of water, to get rid of any twigs and stones.  


Next, they go to the pulping machinery, which takes the red skin away from the two coffee beans inside each cherry. The pulp that is made is collected and used afterwards for fertilizer on the plantation.


The final step is to put all the coffee beans into the fermentation box where the natural process triggers chemical reactions that produce high quality roasted coffee.

Hurdle Task Number Four


Let’s remember

What is the Capital City in South Korea?


What style of government leads North Korea?

The style of government is called ‘Authoritarian socialist’ which means it’s a one-man dictatorship government.

What style of government leads South Korea?

In South Korea the type of government is called a ‘republic’ which is a form of government where the monarch rules.

The tea ceremony is a very important tradition in South Korea. What sort of events is it used for?

Tea ceremonies are used for very special occasions that are closely related with religion.

How do current residents of North and South Korea feel about the war?

One of them doesn’t want to remember what happened so they try to forget it, but the other is torn. There are sites where events from the war occurred but the country is torn on whether to remember what happened or try to forget about it.

Let’s investigate

King John Il was born in Siberia, on February the 16th in 1941 and died December 17th in 2011. He came into power in 1994 when his father Kim Il Sung died. King John Il’s style of leadership was that he was a dictator. North Korea was very impacted by his death, the news was reported by a crying presenter. King John Il’s son Kim Jong-un has taken over from King John Il.

Hurdle Task Number Three


Let’s remember

What were the different dynasties in China’s history and what were the years each were in power?

The different dynasties in China’s history were; 3 Sovereigns and 5 Emperors (2852 – 2205 BC), Xia dynasty (2100 – 1600 BC), Shang Dynasty (1766 – 1050 BC), Zhou Dynasty (1050  – 256 BC), Qin Dynasty (221 – 207 BC), Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), Three Kingdoms period and the Six Dynasties (220 – 280 AD), Jin Dynasty (265 – 420 AD), Southern & Northern Dynasties (420 – 589 AD), Sui Dynasty (581 – 618 AD), Tang Dynasty (618 – 907 AD), Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907 – 960 AD), Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 AD), Yuan Dynasty (1271 – 1368 AD), Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644 AD) and Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911 AD). It then moved into modern day china with Republic of China (1912 – 1949 AD) and the People’s Republic of China (1949 – present) which includes The Mao Era (1949 – 1976), Era of Reconstitution (1976 – 1989), A Rising Power (1989 – 2002) and China Today (2002 – present).

What is the current government structure in China?

The current government structure in China is Communism. The People’s Republic of China is a single-party state that is governed by the Communist Party of China.


Let’s Create

Using the above information create a timeline that is a visual representation of the history of China and important dates and events that have caused significant change in the country.

Human Timeline activity  


2100 to 1600 BC

Xia (Hsia) Dynasty


1600 to 1122 BC

Shang Dynasty

The Chinese develop a system of writing

Capitals: near present-day Zhengzhou and Anyang

1046 to 256 BC

Zhou (Chou) Dynasty

Capitals: Hao and Luoyang


Western Zhou (1046-771BC)



Eastern Zhou (771-256BC)

Spring and Autumn Period






Warring States Period

221 to 206 BC

Qin Dynasty

The Great Wall of China begins construction.

Capital: Chang’an

Qin Shihuangdi dies, 210 BC

221 to 206 BC

Han Dynasty



Western /Former Han (206 BC – 9 AD)

Capital: Chang’an



Confucianism officially established as basis for Chinese state by Han Wudi


Eastern/ Later Han (25-220 AD)

Capital: Luoyang

220 to 589 AD

Six Dynasties Period

Period of instability following the fall of the Han

Buddhism introduced to China


Three Kingdoms (220-265 AD)

Cao Wei, Shu Han, Dong Wu


Jin Dynasty (265-420 AD)



Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-589 AD)


581 to 618 AD

Sui Dynasty

Capital: Chang’an

618 to 906 AD

Tang (T’ang) Dynasty

Capitals: Chang’an and Luoyang

907 to 960 AD

Five Dynasties Period


960 to 1279 AD

Song (Sung) Dynasty



Northern Song (960-1127)

Capital: Bianjing


Southern Song (1127-1279)

Capital: Lin’an

Marco Polo visits China, 1271

1279 to 1368 AD

Yuan Dynasty

The reign of the Mongol empire

Capital: Dadu

1368 to 1644 AD

Ming Dynasty

Re-establishment of rule by Han ruling house

Capitals: Nanjing and Beijing

1644 to 1912 AD

Qing (Ch’ing) Dynasty

Reign of the Manchus

Capital: Beijing

1912 to 1949 AD

Republic Period

Capitals: Beijing, Wuhan and Nanjing

China becomes a communist nation. Dynastic rule ends after 20 years of civil war, 1949

1949 to present

People’s Republic of China

Capital: Beijing

Leader Mao Zedong begins China’s “Cultural Revolution”, a 10 year campaign that changes China’s politics, economy, and social system, 1966

US President Nixon visits China an attempts to improve relations, 1972


Hurdle Task 2

Let’s Remember:

  1. Indian Cuisine is so diverse because the country has 36 distinct languages, 8 regions, 7 ecological zones, 7 agricultural areas, 24 races, 5,000 years of history and 1.2 billion people. It would be difficult for the Cuisine not to be diverse.
  2. The categories of Indian Cuisine are determined by the region that they originate from; Southern India and Northern India.
  3. The word curry was derived from the Tamil word ‘kari’ which was used to refer to a sauce or relish for rice.
  4. Things you can serve with curry are vegetables and salads.
  5. A Tandoori oven is designed for very high heat, and is dry heat.

Let’s investigate

These are the three recipes I found. One of the differences is the preparation time. One says 10 minutes, 5 minutes and the other doesn’t specify. The ingredients of the three are pretty similar.

1)India’s caste system is the process of placing people in occupational groups. It started with the British who ruled India until 1947. They wanted to rule India efficiently so they made lists of all Indian communities and described them using two terms, castes and tribes. The level of education and the occupation of each person are more or less determined by a person’s caste. For example a people in the highest caste called Brahmans would be educated, have money and be things such as doctors and lawyers. From a religious point of view the caste system has to do with reincarnation. If you are good in a life you could reincarnate into a higher class system in the next life until finally reaching Nirvana or heaven. There are also food rules depending on a persons’ class. Brahmins will only eat

‘Satwil’ or ‘Pure’ food, Kshtriya and Vaishya castes will take ‘Royal’ food, while a Shudra will take ‘Tamsi’ food. There are no restrictions on staples however food can only be accepted by someone of the same or higher class.

2) One of the main differences between Northern and Southern Indian cuisine is that Southern food is very rice based whilst Northern uses a lot more wheat. Southern dishes also use more coconut, coffee, vegetables and seafood. One other difference is that Southern dishes are often spicier and when comparing dals and curries Southern ones are soupier.