Hurdle Task Number Six

by abbywelham


Let’s Remember:

Costa Rica is a Central American country that is surrounded by which 2 other countries?

Panama and Nicaragua.

What are the names of 4 of the Volcanos in Costa Rica?

Arenal Volcano, Barva Volcano, Irazú Volcano, Poás Volcano, Rincón de la Vieja and Turrialba Volcano.

What is the main export industry for Costa Rica?

Coffee, bananas, sugar cocoa, and cattle and meat products.

Throughout Central America, what is the main religion practiced?


Costa Rica is a Democratic republic society. What does this mean?

It means that the government is chosen by the people.

Let’s investigate:

Coffee processing Task.

Coffee cherries:

In order to get the best flavour and quality coffee beans the beans must be separated from the pulp and skin on the same day that the cherry is picked from the branches.


To remove the red skin and fleshy pulp the cherries go through a wet processing process called pulping. First, they are dunked in a pool of water, to get rid of any twigs and stones.  


Next, they go to the pulping machinery, which takes the red skin away from the two coffee beans inside each cherry. The pulp that is made is collected and used afterwards for fertilizer on the plantation.


The final step is to put all the coffee beans into the fermentation box where the natural process triggers chemical reactions that produce high quality roasted coffee.